[  ok- tah -voh-lee-oh  ]

Octavolio is an ePortfolio in which Texas Homeschooled Students can record" evidence of lifelong learning"  that can be populated with artifacts, be it Reflective Journals, Blogs,​ Files , & Media, that showcase what they've learned along their journey. These Pages & Collections are student-curated and customizable . With Octavolio, students control which items and what information within their portfolio others see.  

Tag Your Learning

Make your ePortfolio more dynamic & searchable by tagging your artifacts & content.

Expand your ePortfolio

Change, Rearrange, & Add to your ePortfolio as you obtain new knowledge over the years. Your portfolio is dynamic & can grow with you.

Peer Feedback

Your Octavolio peers can provide peer-reviewed feedback, making your learning fun & collaborative.

Share your ePortoflio

...or don't. You have access with whom, when, and how you share it. Make a private, custom portfolio link to share with college recruiters or an admission's office.


One of the most powerful features of Octavolio are Tags! By tagging your content and artifacts, you can quickly organize, view and manage your items collectively.

Log your Learning through Tags

Students can customize their Dashboard

Add a RSS block to keep up to date with current events or areas of interest, jump to your most recent Portfolio, and see feedback from your peers.

Plans & Tasks

Create weekly Plans and then populate it with Tasks and due dates. Once you finish, you can check it off your list.

Build Portfolios

Start by adding your Text, Images, Media, and Content. These are known as Artifacts. Rearrange them in any order that best represents your knowledge on the subject at hand.

More about Octavolio

Octavolio is a digital portfolio hosting service provided by learnOPENtech. Our main focus is to help Homeschoolers organize their student's learning paths and be able to showcase what they've learned in a fun and interactive way. This is great for those homeschooled students who want to go on to higher education, whether it's public or private. 

If you are looking for a K-12 public/private school eportfolio hosted solution, fret not! We host Octavolio for school districts as well.

Like most of the tools, platforms, and services that learnOPENtech uses, Octavolio is also based on an Open Source platform. In this case, we use the robust & powerful ePortfolio platform, Mahara.

Cancel Anytime...

& take your data with you!

We love you being a part of the Octavolio Family, but if you need to cancel your ePortfolio Hosting, you may do so at anytime. 

Not only that, you can export your ePortfolio as a local ZIP file archive. This tool exports all of your portfolio information and pages. You can view your portfolio in a browser via the index.html file.

See Export settings before canceling.

$ 5 .00

/student /month
  • 4GB storage
  • Great for pk-5th Grade Students just starting out
  • Email Support
  • One parent/teacher/tutor login included if needed

$ 10 .00

/student /month
  • 10 GB storage
  • 10% discount on future learnOPENtech Technology Training Sessions
  • Great starter for students including more media in their ePortfolio
  • Email & Video support
  • One parent/teacher/tutor login included if needed

$ 25 .00

/student /month​
  • 50 GB storage per student
  • 50% discount on future learnOPENtech Technology Training Sessions
  • Students that are HigherEd Bound & want to showcase everything they've learned
  • Email & Video support
  • One parent/teacher/tutor login included if needed

  Contact Us

  • For MicroSchools, Co-ops, Private Teachers/Tutors
  • Storage depends on 
    size of classes
  • Includes 1-on-1 training on curriculum & multimedia design, and of course the software is FREE
  • learnOPENtech hosted or setup with federation across other Co-ops